My Personal Fundraising Page

The mission of The Children's Heart Foundation is important to our family. Cayden was born with a significant heart defect. A routine well-visit with the pediatrician turned into a heart murmur, that led to a cardiologist, that led to surgery. At four months old, Cayden had open heart surgery to repair holes in his heart and re-construct his heart valves. He also needed a pacemaker. After amazing care, Cayden has been able to live a very active and healthy life. Cayden is active in sports like soccer, flag football, golf, and swimming. As a result of some recent research, he is also playing baseball. 

These things would not be possible without the skill and expertise of his medical teams throughout the years. The care teams at each level at Cleveland Clinic Children's has been amazing. His pediatrician that identified his heart murmur; the cardiologist and other specialists in the office that stayed an additional three hours after the office had already closed to explain and answer all our questions; the surgical staff and ICU staff for his surgery; his cardiologist and electrophysiologist that have continued his care through the years. 

Their skill and the technology that goes along with it, would not be possible without support and funding from organizations like The Children's Heart Foundation. Their mission is to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of CHDs by funding the most promising research.

By supporting Cayden, you're supporting research that will one day improve Cayden's life. The funds help save and improve the lives of babies born with congenital heart defects; and help children and adults living with these heart issues.

I hope you'll join me by supporting my fundraising efforts as I work to raise funds for life-saving research.

The Ballou Family

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My Supporters

  • Nicole Dunbar September 2023 $51.50
  • Anonymous September 2023 $50.00
  • Jeff Cochran Right on Cayden! September 2023 $30.00
  • Nicole Dunbar September 2023 $51.50
  • Anonymous September 2023 $50.00
  • Jeff Cochran Right on Cayden! September 2023 $30.00