My Personal Fundraising Page

   Hi I’m Jimmy a 42 year old Hypoplastic Left Heart patient. Although I am one of the older HLHS patients this Congenital Heart Walk will be my first.  

   My CHD journey has led me to a point in life where I feel the need to do what I can to help make a difference in the lives of others with CHD.

    CHDs effect about 1% of newborns. The most serious CHDs are called critical congenital heart defects (cCHDs), and babies with cCHDs often need surgery or other treatment within the first year of life. As the child grows they need medical care throughout their entire lives.  Without treatment, cCHDs can be fatal. 

   On a personal note, I really dislike asking people for money… which is odd for a guy who sells cars for a living. I’m doing this because I truly care about all people whose lives are affected by CHDs and their families. 

 This endeavor is all about supporting The Children's Heart Foundation and their crucial mission - advancing the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of congenital heart defects through groundbreaking research.

Thank you for your help 


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My Supporters

  • Carla Lehmann-Terwilleger In honor of my cousin James...for his strength, determination and love if his family! June 2024 $50.00
  • Toma Rabner Fir a brave man June 2024
  • James Bachenheimer For all the lives lost to HLHS. June 2024 $77.25
  • James Bachenheimer For all the lives lost to HLHS. June 2024 $77.25
  • Carla Lehmann-Terwilleger In honor of my cousin James...for his strength, determination and love if his family! June 2024 $50.00

My Teammates