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Congenital heart defects are the most common birth defect in the nation, impacting ONE in every 110 babies each year. The Children’s Heart Foundation exists to make sure these babies - and everyone impacted by CHDs - live long and healthy lives. Because of research, today there is greater hope for babies born with, and adults living with, congenital heart defects.


If it weren’t for the current knowledge and development our little girl would not be here today. Aug. 20th, 2021, at just 8 weeks old, we took Amelia to the hospital because we thought that she could’ve been dehydrated. Unfortunately, it was much worse. She was going through heart failure. If we would’ve waited any longer, we could’ve lost our baby. Instead, children’s hospital of Pittsburgh jumped into action and cared for our little girl. They had the knowledge to recognize that her breathing pattern was abnormal and went straight to work. She was quickly diagnosed with a rare heart defect called Dilated Cardiomyopathy. She underwent two open heart surgeries, one to insert the LVAD and one to successfully remove it. Without research we wouldn’t know that a LVAD could save my daughter’s life. During her hospital stay she had blood clots that formed and released causing two strokes and also resulting into multiple seizures. She also underwent surgery to have a GTube placed. God willing, we were discharged from the hospital 75 days later on Nov. 3rd, 2021, and she has since been thriving being home. Amelia was listed on the transplant list for six months but to our surprise and the doctors she conquered through. As of today, Amelia has been removed from the transplant list and is Gtube free!! Although she may not need the transplant at this time, we are preparing for the day that she might. There is no given answer on when the day might come or if it ever will. Her battle is far from over, but we pray that we as parents can provide her the life that she deserves, full of love and laughter, even during the hardest days. Thank you, UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, for saving our daughters life. We will be forever grateful for every single person that had a hand in her care. Thank you to those who help join us in supporting congenital heart defect research by providing them the funds they need to continue doing the amazing research that they are.

We ask that you join our team to show support, not only for CHD research, but for Amelia as well. Any donations are greatly appreciated. You can simply become a member of our team to show your love and support for Amelia.

Thank you in advance for your support

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  • Facebook Donor March 2024 $57.64
  • Facebook Donor March 2024 $10.70
  • Anonymous February 2024
  • Facebook Donor February 2024 $56.62
  • Daniel Bair February 2024 $25.75
  • Brittany Fuller February 2024 $103.00
  • Facebook Donor February 2024 $102.53
  • Facebook Donor February 2024 $80.00
  • Dan Bair February 2024 $77.25
  • Betty Bair February 2024 $77.25